NOTICE OF TOWN BOARD MEETING – note date change for this month only


The Town Board of the Town of Russell provides its written notice and an agenda of the public meeting of said Town on __TUESDAY, MAY 11, 2021__at the RUSSELL TOWN HALL at 6:00 P.M.  *note date change for this month only

The public may provide comments to the Town Board if public comments are noted on the Agenda and upon recognition by presiding officer.


1. Call meeting to order 

2. Pledge of Allegiance

3. Approval of prior Town Board minutes by Town Board

4. Reports from Town Treasurer

5. Road Issues/Discussion

6. Town Hall maintenance.  (Brian power wash building and paint doors. Update posting box.)

7. Town Clerk banking update.  Need debit card for updating computer, other online charges

8. Specific matters for discussion & possible action by Town Board:

a. Pay Bills – Approve Vouchers

b. Bids for upcoming granite maintenance

c. Culvert issues & repairs

d. Town spring clean-up set up for June 5, 2021 from 8 a.m. – 12:00 pm

e. Board of Review time set up for May 20, 2021 from 4-6 pm

f. Elwood & Elayne Derstine request for slaughter/meat processing business.

g. Grant access to town land

9. Public Input

10.  Closed session to discuss wages for town employees

11. Come back into open session

12.  Adjournment

Meeting notice posted in three (3) public places…Fire Barn….Remington Oil ….Prairie Pines

& town website (

Date May 8, 2021

Designee Amy Brown,, Clerk

Amy Brown, Clerk (715-873-4141)

Contact information:

Chairman, Robert Kressel (715-873-4669), Supervisor, David Heller (715-873-3430)

Supervisor, Marty Sosnovske (715-873-4090), Treasurer, Susan Fisher (715-351-0028)